Products come and go, but some disappear for reasons that are as interesting as the items themselves. This list explores ten unique…
Johan Tobias
Ancient Greece is often seen as the birthplace of Western civilization. It’s also credited with founding some of the earliest institutions devoted…
Top 10 Creepy Things You’ll Only Find In The Disney Parks
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasYou know the happiest place on earth, but what about the creepiest place on earth? Even though Disney parks are known for…
The things people obsess over are usually predictable. Sex, drugs, and alcohol are usual suspects. People may obsess about their weight or…
Some films amuse us. Some films move us. A few films change us. And some films change film. Whether it is the…
The world is filled with police and paramilitary vehicles that are unbelievably fast, incredibly durable, or just straight-up weird. Among the vehicles…
Even though Nicolas Cage has become a meme of his former self, back in the day he made some pretty cool movies.…
Everyone likes to imagine that there might be a Picasso hidden in the attic. But it is a sad fact of life…
Much of the world remains in lockdown at the moment so there are a lot of places you can’t go. Though the…
Crazy Chernobyl Conspiracy Theories That Will Make You Think
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasIn the wake of HBO’s hugely successful show Chernobyl, the Ukranian power plant has returned to the public eye. We are fascinated…