In any list of The Greatest Movies ever, the same films seem to crop up over and over again. Sometimes the people…
Johan Tobias
The most common piece of advice ever given might be to just be yourself, to remain true to yourself despite the opinions…
Music and mythology seem to be many worlds apart. Yet, fascinating stories have emerged to prove that music is an art laced…
Across the world, many people over the years have disappeared, seemingly into thin air, with no satisfying explanation. The mystery is only…
Last April 5th marked the 26th anniversary of the death of Kurt Cobain. Dead by an apparent suicide, the Nirvana front man…
The human body is a wondrous thing and arguably a miracle of science. Consider how many other things are as complex as…
Some of the deepest mines in the world extend miles below the surface of the Earth. Deep, dark pits that stretch on…
Aside from levitating beds for the super-rich, there hasn’t been a lot of advancement in bed design of late—or at all, for…
Of the crazy and speculative theories out there (and there are many as we all know), those that revolve around the notion…
You’re watching a horror movie in the cinema. The movie’s main antagonist, say a big hairy razor-toothed monster, pops up on the…