Winston Groom’s Forrest Gump had a remarkable knack of being at the right place, at the right time, multiples times. By sheer…
Johan Tobias
Every day, the oceans crash upon countless beaches. More often than not, oddities arrive between the usual flotsam of shells. There is…
Statues and paintings of Jesus can get predictable. They stare, pray, suffer on the cross, or rest in a manger. Upon closer…
Mankind has always made predictions about the future, and quite a few people throughout history have claimed to know what lies ahead.…
Laughter is said to be the best medicine, but, as with all drugs, overprescription is a dangerous thing. For most people, the…
Art is a difficult profession. You can spend decades learning the skills of drawing, draftsmanship, and composition. Still, you will be no…
Antarctica is surrounded by conspiracy theories and ice… lots of ice. Both are unsurprising considering that the continent is the most remote…
Top 10 Horrifying Facts About Working In An Amazon Warehouse
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThe moment you hit that “Place Your Order” button, a chain reaction sparks, sending a team of warehouse workers and delivery drivers…
10 Common School Activities and Events That Took a Tragic Turn
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasSchool is much more than just a place of learning—it’s a central part of childhood and a nurturing environment where memories are…
Ancient statues are considered relics from the distant past. However, they sometimes contain other relics like scrolls, letters, money, or other items…