Wherever you live, you’re bound to come across some inexplicably strange laws that you can’t imagine any police officer enforcing. In Chicago,…
Johan Tobias
The Judge Judy show is a home staple and has been since its debut in 1996. The show is about Judge Judy…
Tattoos and regrets aren’t a new combination. When you get new ink, you’re excited about it—you want to show it off. But…
What is the most remarkable thing you have ever done in a single day? What is your proudest achievement? Many of us…
There were 39,000 organ transplants performed in 2020. That’s a lot of potentially life-saving operations. But it’s also worth noting that there…
Every month of every year, all across the globe, cities and towns and even tiny villages are celebrating one festival or another…
Movies filmed on location often add greater realism not found in those shot on sound stages or studio backlots. From the montage…
They’re man’s best friend, but how many humans know what makes their dogs tick? Probably not enough, that’s how many. And given…
The world is more at our fingertips today than ever before. You can head out in any big city and enjoy the…
10 Unusual (But Highly Successful) Military Units From History
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasWars aren’t always won by traditional units fighting in strict formations, even if they still do the bulk of the work. Military…