Civilization is barbaric. Even today, bloodsports remain popular. From tossing wildlife into the air to chasing foxes with hounds, simpletons everywhere still…
Johan Tobias
We only have one planet (for now), and until we find a way to inhabit another, we have to make do with…
Ireland has a rich tradition of weird and wonderful creatures – but it’s not just fairies and leprechauns. Some denizens of the…
10 Creatures from Harry Potter That Have Their Origins in Myth
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThe world of Harry Potter has captured the imagination of fans for a variety of reasons, not least the incredibly diverse number…
Alcohol can be a tricky experience. Drink enough and it can make almost any event more fun and memorable. Drink too much…
Ten Facts About the Air Force Man Found 35 Years After Vanishing
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasWilliam Howard Hughes Jr. had a successful career in the Air Force in the 1980s. Already a captain by his early 30s,…
There’s an old joke about how Twinkies and cockroaches will be the only things to survive a nuclear holocaust because they last…
Happy Fourth of July from To mark the great occasion, here is a fascinating presidential list. Theodore Roosevelt (TR) is unquestionably one…
Often in films and TV shows, the setting or certain props can be so impactful that they become characters in and of…
It’s not every day that you run across a shrine in the Western or secular worlds but there are plenty of them…