Every March 17, not only do most people of Irish descent (and many who are not) pause to celebrate the life of…
Johan Tobias
Top 10 Things the Harry Potter Movie Franchise Got Wrong
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThe problem with being a fan of a book-gone-movie franchise is that the movies never fully live up to the expectations the…
10 Things That Are Trashy If You’re Poor but Classy If You’re Rich
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasWe all know that society is full of double standards. There are many reasons people get preferential treatment or just get away…
We know that many classic American TV series were either adapted from recycled shows that originated in other countries, were spin-offs of…
We know that science doesn’t have the answers to everything, but seeing that it’s 2014 and the future is almost here, there…
Time is a weird thing. We don’t all seem to experience it in quite the same way—sometimes it passes quickly, sometimes slowly,…
Arguably the most important aspect of music is sound. The Oxford English Dictionary defines music as “the art or science of combining…
While not everyone is a fan of musical theater, it still does draw plenty of people to its elaborate stage sets, over-the-top…
There seem to be endless awards for films, from the Oscars to the BAFTAs to the Golden Globes. The parody award show…
Rock music’s explosive and introspective nature has always provided a haven for outcasts, angsty teenagers, and broody types alike. But over the…