The current “core curricula” of public schools in the US are comprised of the following subjects: (sciences) biology, physics, chemistry; (mathematics) arithmetic,…
Johan Tobias
Every spring, when the month of April arrives, pastel colors herald the arrival of a new holiday season. And whether you are…
Finally, 2021 is in the rear-view mirror. Most of us enter a new year hoping for bigger and better things. Worldwide, countries…
The latest Batman movie is a dark and serious noir detective film where Batman must stop the Riddler, who is a crazed…
Top 10 Coolest Slang Terms and Phrases from around the World
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThe edges of any language are ragged, torn, messy, and not easily delineated from the next fluttering language. This is the place…
If Donatien Alphonse François, the Marquis de Sade, were alive today and wrote film scripts instead of novels, he might have written…
There are certain sets of circumstances, should you ever find yourself in them, where the most reasonable course of action is to…
The dreaded meet-the-parents. We are all desperate to make a good impression on the in-laws. We want to be accepted and welcomed…
The 1970s are now recognized as “Hollywood’s Second Golden Age,” and it’s hard to argue with it. The Godfather, Jaws, Star Wars,…
Let’s face it: the internet sure loves a good conspiracy theory. Truthers, Birthers, lunatics who believe Sandy Hook is a government plot…