One of the hardest things to do well in comedy is pairing one comic with another. History is filled with people who…
Johan Tobias
Let’s get the cards on the table at the outset here—this list comes from a sceptical position. A heavily sceptical position. That…
Every comic book enthusiast has their favorite character. When it comes to comics snagged for the big screen, nothing makes fans quite as…
During 1968 and 1969, the notorious Zodiac Killer murdered five people. Several witnesses saw one of the murders take place and described…
If you want to feel justified in patronizing a company with a dubious history, calling any negative story against them a “conspiracy…
It’s a pretty big deal being first, but it’s an even bigger deal to be the one credited with launching a genre.…
Top 10 Strange (And Revolting) Facts About Synthetic Inventions
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasModern technology is making the world more synthetic. Some inventions that mimic real things are valuable—like the fake snot that fights diseases.…
Through history, various forms of philosophy have developed. Many have fallen by the wayside but a number have stuck. This is a…
For centuries, board games have been a way for people to pass the time, compete, and build memorable moments in their lifetimes.…
The early 2000s were a remarkable era for cinema, characterized by the emergence of innovative storytelling, groundbreaking visual effects, and memorable performances.…