Top 10 Ways to Make an Irishman or Woman Like You

by Brian Sepp

The Irish have been a very famous, funny, feisty, vibrant people with their quick wit, love of laughter and their wholehearted kindness and turbulent history. However, these terrific people have often been stereotyped and misunderstood. Meet an Irishman and you automatically assume he/she is what the stereotypes say. So here we are, showing you how to make an Irishman or woman like you –

‘Stereotypes are written into society’s walls. It’s whether we read the graffiti that counts’

1. Do Not Under Any Circumstances Assume Irish Are Stupid

make an Irishman or woman like you

Irish people have been stereotyped as stupid for centuries. This myth started a long while ago when the Irish went, uneducated, to England, looking for a job. Englishmen started telling and making up stories and jokes about the stupidity of the Irishman. As an Irish girl, I can honestly tell you, we don’t take kindly to misguided attempts of understanding personalities by their nationality.

It’s like saying the French are womanisers, or the English snobby except Irish people have been proven to be some of the smartest in the globe. How’d you like it if you were automatic considered dumb? I don’t like it either. The Irish have been known for their quick wit.

See also: The 10 most beautiful Irish Women.

2. Let Them Talk and Tell Stories

make an Irishman or woman like you

Once an Irish person gets going, they really do get going. Encouragingly, invite them to share their own yarns and stories, for the Irish love the craic, and soon you will be laughing your head off at the hilarity, charm, wittiness and banter that arouses in the stories.

So letting them tell stories is one the ways to make an Irishman or woman like you. Show interest in stories and you will have a personally embroidered cushion at the dinner table for the Irish will love you and they also love educating, and it’s a truly remarkable thing to be educated in the Irish way.

The Irish have a very funny, vibrant way of telling stories that will remain with you for a very long time. Irish storytelling is like a personality contest: it’s engaging, OTT, dramatic, hilarious but very enjoyable. The more stories told, the more the Irish person will have a connection with you, so they will enjoy your company.

3. Don’t Think Red Haired People are Horrible

make an Irishman or woman like you

I have a lot of red-haired mates who are the loveliest people I know and most of them don’t give a hoot about their hair color. Red hair was become so very admirable in recent times and the Irish are quite proud of it, but please don’t think we all are ginger. In my class of thirty-two, only two people are ginger. Sadly, I am not of the minority.

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The Irish have been (quite famously) renowned for their impatient, volatile nature, but rest assured, I, as an Irish lass, can tell you that this is absolute nonsense. We Irish are passionate but will only loose our cool if irked. We are like the snakes St. Patrick drove out. We are temperamental, but only strike if attacked. If you ever have the pleasure of meeting an Irishman, don’t be in fear, be friendly.

4. Compliment the Food

make an Irishman or woman like you

Praising the Irish food is one of the easiest ways to make an Irishman or woman like you. Irish stew, wheaten bread (yum yum!) and champ make every traditional Irish menu. The Irish, being uneducated as they were, were very proud to have accomplished such great culinary feats, the recipe was soon passed round and the whole country was making these dishes within a few years.

Throughout famine years, when the formidable potato crop failed, the country was left starving. The country’s natural resources and the sheer determination of the people will have you gasping with wonder at the incredible tricks the Irish have pulled off throughout history.

The most important thing to compliment, however, is the full Ulster breakfast eggs, bacon, sausages, black pudding, potato bread, soda bread, beans, toast, mushrooms and fried tomatoes with a warm cuppa is the perfect start to anyone’s day, especially when receiving a warm thank you in return. One note however: be prepared. The Irish are used to hard toil, so have mammoth food portions.

5. Engross Yourself Fully In Proper Irish History

make an Irishman or woman like you

Make a real effort to find out about the country if you are ever travelling to Ireland or visiting an Irish person. Our history is illustrious, troublesome yet courageous in every shape and form, so it is exceeding interesting actually to know what has happened in our brave wee country.

From street fights to hunger strikes, Peace Protests to Paisley, we have a very extraordinary and significant place in our history books. If you ever have the pleasure of meeting an Irish person, find out their history. I can honestly guarantee you now, you will be hooked. Like a fish at the end of a rod. Fishing (btw) is a very popular industry in Ireland.

As is farming, agriculture, glass making and computing. Irish people will love you if you know their history as it shows they are more than just a stereotype. History is the path to the heart and one of the several ways to make an Irishman or woman like you.

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6. Join In With the Celebration That Is Music

make an Irishman or woman like you

Traditional Irish folk music has gained worldwide recognition for its lively style and fast-pacing. It has been said that Irish music is popular as it has a similar tone to the Irish people themselves. Devoted Irish music listeners can easily make an Irishman or woman like you. Several countries and western stars have Irish roots but more significantly, many are actually Irish born-and-bred men and women.

From Daniel O’Donnell to One Direction, there is a sound for everyone that has Irish in its blood. Irish music sessions are still going extremely strong throughout the isle with many villages and towns have weekly, monthly and annual music sessions.

The most popular songs are jigs, airs, hornpipes; slip jigs and reels whereas the most popular instruments are fiddles, tin whistles, flutes, concertinas and guitars. Every Irishman/woman always enjoys a bit of traditional Irish music so they will really love you if you show a keen interest.

See also: The 10 most beautiful women in the world.

7. Visit and Explore Our Wee Isle

make an Irishman or woman like you

Many of Ireland’s top cities such as Dublin, Belfast and Derry offer plenty of unforgettable sights and experience such as the RDS, Titanic and the City of Culture(Derry) but there are loads of hidden, extraordinary special gems dotted all over the country. In places such as Portstewart you have the opportunity to cross the world’s scariest rope bridge.

I’m not going to lie that view will bring your to your knees, senseless at the beauty. In the big cities you can enjoy fantastic shopping experiences but in the countryside there is nothing like a good long hike. The Irish will love you so very much if you show an interest in exploring our beautiful wee country as it shows how fascinating out country is, making you, the explorer, and the most loved bloke in the country.

8. Sport Is a Massive Part in Ireland’s Culture

make an Irishman or woman like you

Our nation has invented many weird, wacky but wonderful sports such as hurling and Gaelic. It is a popular pastime on a Sunday afternoon to go to the pub and watch the match with your friends. Ireland has become known for its sports and there are even Gaelic teams in places like London, Boston and New York.

The Irish people are exceedingly loyal at supporting football, camogie and hurling matches, whether it local, regional off on a national level. In sports, the Irish have been known to easily start a fight. There is bad blood and fierce competition between neighbouring teams and it makes great viewing to the reader to see the ball at one end of the pitch and a right at the other.

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The Irish (as I’ve mentioned) are feisty so note: don’t distract them whilst they’re playing sport unless you wish to feel the wrath of the Irish (ostensibly). The Irish will love you so much if you follow Irish sport as it’s a way of life more than a hobby for so many people. Sports is pretty much the easiest way to make an Irishman or woman like you.

9. Alcohol Is a Humongous Stereotype Associated With Irish People

make an Irishman or woman like you

If has been recognized throughout the world that the Irish love to drink, especially Guinness. This stereotype is a very mixed balance. Some Irish are devout Catholics and never touch a drop of alcohol whereas some other constantly knocks back the booze. I think it is really rather wrong to categories the whole country as drunken maniacs although I have sent numerous of them.

There are thousands of Irish pubs that are thriving as they are so in demand at the moment. They say there is nothing better than to go for an Irish drink after work but not many people actually follow this behavior. The Irish people will love you enormously if you don’t mention alcohol until they do as it’s a judge of your character n whether you believe or not that all Irish stereotypes are true.

10. Finally, We Have the Irish People Themselves

make an Irishman or woman like you

We Irish lads and ladies have been fortunate enough to have been granted with a lot of luck, a kind heart, a sharp wit and a clever mind. This is not a stereotype; you have to live alongside the Irish to know what terrific people they are. Trust me on the fact that I’m not being biased. You cannot help but fall in love with the Irish people.

The key rule to getting s tough Irish person to like you is to like them for being themselves and not for stereotypes. Love the Irish for who they are and that’s one of the easiest ways of make an Irishman or woman like you.

Top 10 Ways to Make an Irishman or Woman Like You

  1. Do Not Under Any Circumstances Assume They Are Stupid
  2. Let Them Talk and Tell Stories
  3. Don’t Think Red Haired People are Horrible
  4. Compliment the Food
  5. Engross Yourself Fully In Proper Irish History
  6. Join In With the Celebration That Is Music
  7. Visit and Explore Our Wee Isle
  8. Sport Is a Massive Part in Ireland’s Culture
  9. Alcohol Is a Humongous Stereotype Associated With Irish People
  10. Finally, We Have the Irish People Themselves

Written by: Margo Green

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