10 Animals with Good Public Reputations (and Disturbing Tendencies)

by Johan Tobias

We like to think of the non-meat eating parts of the animal kingdom as friends just waiting to happen. For some reason, the fact they don’t eat meat triggers us to think that these are super nice creatures who would never do us harm, and many times we end up giving animals reputations for kindness that they do not deserve. Animals who are herbivores may not eat meat, but that does not mean they aren’t dangerous to humans — and some of the cutest animals have disgusting secrets that may make them far less endearing to you as you once thought. 

10. Monkeys Have Overrun Delhi, India And Killed The Deputy Mayor

What We Expect: 

Monkeys are known to be mostly harmless pranksters, as far as the majority of people are concerned. They are silly and might fling poo, but for the most part they don’t really cause that much trouble. Plus, they’re fun to watch at the zoo as they get up to all kinds of hijinks. 

The Disturbing Reality: 

Monkeys can gang up on people in areas where the populations get too big and too close to humans, and this was no more apparent than in Delhi, India where monkeys are invasive and cause serious problems for the locals. In Delhi the monkeys attack people and steal their food, and in 2007 they attacked the deputy mayor and killed him by knocking him off his own balcony. 

9. Dolphins Are Believed To Be Friendly But They Are The Bullies Of The Sea

What We Expect:

Dolphins are known for being fun and playful, and there are many alleged accounts of them helping people who are lost at sea. People love to go to dolphin shows, and there are cutesy movies about them. Most people think dolphins are friendly sea buddies who love you and just want to be your friend. 

The Disturbing Reality: 

Dolphins are basically the bullies of the sea. Dolphins have been known to attack porpoises and kill them for no reason, and have committed infanticide among even their own species. To make matters worse, they have been known to capture dolphin females and hold them in a group while they have gang sex with her against her will. There was also a recent incident where a dolphin known as Nick was coming towards children in a harbor while being sexually aggressive, and the children were warned to get out of the water to avoid him. Now, while there are little — if any — records of dolphins killing people, it is a fairly common occurrence for them to bite trainers and kids while in captivity

8. Armadillos Are Becoming Trendy But They Can Carry Hansen’s Disease

What We Expect: 

Armadillos can be found in parts of the southern United States and are starting to become a trendy exotic pet. They are not aggressive, they are cute and playful, and they don’t shed since they don’t have fur. Some people buy them from exotic pet dealers, and the laws vary greatly from state to state as to whether you are legally allowed to own one or not. 

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The Disturbing Reality:

Armadillos can carry Hansen’s Disease, which is also known as leprosy. You know, that disease from the bible that got people sequestered from the general population. Nowadays there are cures, but it can still cause nerve damage and painful lesions. While it is not super common among American armadillos, it is not a risk worth taking. It should also be noted that Amazonian armadillos are known to be much bigger carriers, at a rate of almost 50 percent. 

7. Koalas Are Cute But They Are Riddled With Chlamydia

What We Expect:

Koalas are basically living teddy bears, even if they aren’t really bears. They look like a cute stuffed animal , they only eat leaves, they are completely and utterly harmless, and it seems like they would make a great pet… at least until you get a bit further into the koala’s biggest problem. 

The Disturbing Reality:

Koalas are actually mostly useless, as they spend almost all their time sleeping, but on top of that, they are actually kind of gross. Koalas are riddled with chlamydia, an STD that can cause infertility and ectopic pregnancies in women. Nearly 100 percent of koalas have chlamydia, and it is leading to a decline in their population. 

6. The Christmas Song Is Fun But Hippos Are Incredibly Dangerous 

What We Expect: 

We have all heard the cutesy Christmas song about a girl who wants her very own hippo hero for Christmas, and it is ear-wormy and mostly fun to listen to. It makes us think hippos are fun, loveable vegetarian animals who wouldn’t hurt a fly and would make a great pet. 

The Disturbing Reality: 

The hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in Africa and one of the most dangerous in the world, despite being a herbivore.They attack people and swamp their boats, and are known for being incredibly territorial, biting people apart with their huge jaws with little to no provocation. There are theories that King Tut was killed by a hippo while out hunting, and even Steve Irwin, the famous animal specialist, would not mess with hippos when he came near them. 

They can also quickly become an invasive species, as they are becoming in Colombia, where Pablo Escobar’s hippos got loose. Their government is now trying desperately to cull them and get the situation under control before ecological disaster occurs. 

5. Deer Cause More Deaths Than Bears, Alligators, Dogs, And Sharks Combined 

What We Expect: 

Deer are an animal most of us think as super peaceful and kind. We generally tend to like seeing them show up in our yard and eat some fruit or leaves. Some people even try to approach them. Many people have grown up seeing Bambi, making the love for deer even greater, and a lot of people think it is wrong to hunt them after watching the famous animated film. . 

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The Disturbing Reality: 

Deer kill more people every year than bears, alligators, dogs, and sharks combined — between 120 and 200. While most of these deaths are due to vehicular accidents, that does not mean that deer won’t attack you. While statistics can be hard to come by, as many attacks go unreported, experts have been warning people more in recent years to keep their distance from deer and remember that these are dangerous wild animals. A deer is basically a very large wild horse, and the males have antlers that can gore you. They should not be approached at all as they are still very wild and territorial creatures that can kill you very quickly. 

4. Elephants Are Becoming Increasingly Violent to Counter Poachers 

What We Expect: 

Elephants are known for being so tame that even as big as they are, they used to be a regular presence at the circus, before the abusive practice ended. They are known for being fun and playful and even sometimes thinking that humans are cute under the right conditions. Most people just love them, and of course we have every reason to hate the poaching of elephants, as they are intelligent creatures. 

The Disturbing Reality:

That being said, you should still probably keep your distance from  elephants, especially a truly wild one, if you don’t know what you are doing. Elephants are incredibly large animals that could accidentally kill you very easily, and have become increasingly violent in recent years in order to counter poachers. In response, they’ve become more and more territorial against unknown humans, when before they were indeed more friendly. Of course, even then, they have not always been friendly beasts. In ancient days they used to be used as war animals, and even sometimes in executions

3. Camels Can Get Incredibly Violent and Are invasive In Australia 

What We Expect: 

While camels may not necessarily be seen as cute or pretty, most people think of them as mostly harmless and maybe kind of funny. They are seen as the horses of the desert and are known for their ability to carry people long distances while needing little water. 

The Disturbing Reality:

Camels are actually extremely dangerous, and are an invasive species in Australia, where they are causing huge problems for the environment. They’re so dangerous to approach that when they are culling them, they snipe them by helicopter. They attack people if they get too close and can be downright vicious. 

Even tame camels can be very deadly. In one case a camel bit off its owner’s head for leaving it in the sun too long. In another case, a camel smothered its owner to death and it took 25 villagers six hours to haul the camel off of the dead body. After some investigation, they believe the camel was angry that it did not get its daily Coca-Cola

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2. German Shepherds Have A Powerful Bite Force And Are One Of The Most Dangerous Dogs 

What We Expect: 

German Shepherds are known for being one of the gentler and kinder of the bigger dog breeds, and they do make good pets overall in most people’s eyes. Many people try to get them as a starter pet, because they are a popular choice for police dogs or guide dogs due to their trainability. 

The Disturbing Reality: 

Now, we want to be clear first that German Shepherds are not known for being particularly aggressive, and neither are pitbulls, for that matter, unless they are trained for that purpose. However, German Shepherds have an incredibly strong bite force for a dog their size, kill a few people every year, and come in third or fourth yearly in that category, only being beaten out by dogs who are usually raised by dog abusers for combat.

This does not mean a German Shepherd cannot make a great pet, but larger dogs like that, with powerful jaws, are best left for dog owners with a bit more experience who also have the space for a large dog to get its energy out. German Shepherds may be very trainable dogs, but they are also large and powerful animals and must be treated with respect and skillful handling.   

1. The Cane Toad Can Kill Your Pets And Is Invasive In Florida

What We Expect: 

A lot of people may consider toads to be a bit gross, but most consider them mostly harmless even if a bit icky, and plenty of kids love to play with them. Many even try to take them home, and will mess around with them thinking it really isn’t a big deal. Kids, of course, will be kids, and since toads are not scary like snakes, children who like stuff that isn’t just furry are bound to pick them up, and most parents aren’t that worried about it. 

The Disturbing Reality: 

Those parents probably would do well to be concerned about it, because in general toads can carry salmonella, and all types of other diseases. But even worse, in Florida, the Cane Toad has become an invasive species similar to the python and could easily spread to other parts of the USA. It is particularly problematic because its poison can easily kill pets and make your kids very sick. Overall, it is best if you just keep your kids and pets far away from toads, as you never know what they might be carrying.

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